欧内斯特年代. 斯特林学生生活中心 (SSLC)

The SSLC is the epicenter of campus life here at TSU. 学生 from all over the university converge on this part of campus to engage in the unique social, 文化(是的, 甚至教育!) activities at one of Texas’s premiere HBCUs. 坐落在著名的老虎步道上, the Student Center is home to the 学生会协会 (SGA), 大学项目委员会(UPC), 《网投比较靠谱的大平台》, 老虎年鉴, 校园组织办公室, TSU啦啦队, and Student Activities administrative offices.

Student Life Center staff and students know that the events/programs sponsored under the auspices of Student Activities give students the opportunity to implement their ideas in a creative, 实用, 学习环境.

在任何一天, students can be found socializing with classmates, fraternity brothers/sorority sisters, or just plain old friends in the lobby, 游戏的房间, 或者在SSLC大楼前. Student organizations sponsor events in the Student Center that range from educational seminars to autograph signings of up and coming Hip Hop and R&B的艺术家.

Also located in the Student Life Center are the Sodexo Food Services: Cafeteria, 鸡扒和孟加拉汉堡, 巴恩斯 & Noble 书店, the 复印中心 as well as Barber & 美容服务.

TSU’s Office of Student Life maintains membership in the American College Union International (ACUI) and National Association of 校园 Activities (NACA) professional associations.

理发师/美容院  开放
复印中心  开放